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ps Myrtie has just called up to tell me that they are all going down to Brant Rock for the summer Goldthwait & all she says only one nurse is going. she (Myrtie) caught her heel in going down stairs hit her head against the banister but found her head the hardest. well lucky she didnt break her neck. Ma
No rain yet. cool this morning. did the bundle get there in time? 
also your check. showers predicted this afternoon

Stoughton July 4th, 1935.
Dear Folks
This has been rather of a quiet fourth & not very warm lots of air stirring and now the sun has clouded in it looks very much like a shower Mrs Barry has gone down to  Eldon Holmes to spend the afternoon with her cousin. Bill Skillings is coming tonight to spend the evening & go to bed, he likes to come once they are both great talkers & old neighbors & as such he dont care for the women. I tell her he is "horsing" her right  around. she likes Stoughton very much better than she does Holbrook also the [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] people here and she is well acquainted with lots of society & the musical ones they all welcome her she is very lively. Gertrude came over last night to call, she is very sweet & knows I am very fond of her. they all went to a wedding & were gone over Sunday she was telling us all about it. they were dressed very much a church affair.  Mrs B told her I was going to be alone this afternoon & she asked her to look out for me. so she came over here before they went over to Seriacks this afternoon & said for me to ring her up if anything went wrong & in case of a shower, they would be back to shut up their house I gave her some tattin she saw me making it she is going to trim a handkerchief with it you never giver her any little thing but what she returnes it twice over. she says Gertrude & her married 

Transcription Notes:
tatting is a special kind of fancy stitching they used to make doilies out of, I assume that's what she would trim a handkerchief with