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Frank Gorshin stars as George Burns in Say Goodnight Gracie, Rupert Holmes's
celebration of the life of the beloved comic

by Roger Maxwell

Frank Gorshin as George Burns

Nathan Birnbaum was born Jan. 20, 1896,
on the Lower East Side of New York.
  Frank Gorshin was born April 5, 1933, in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  Nathan Birnbaum grew up to be George
Burns a/k/a/ God.
  Frank Gorshin grew up to be Frank 
Gorshin, a/k/a/ Marlon Brando, Richard
Widmark, James Cagney, Kirk Douglas,
Jack Nicholson, Burt Lancaster, dozens of
others in simulation over a long career--
and , of course, also and memorably The
Riddler, one of the oddball no-goodniks of
televison's "Batman" series of the 1960's.
  Nowadays, Frank Gorshin becomes
George Burns eight times a week in a one-
man show called Say Goodnight Gracie.
Written by Rupert Holmes and directed by 
John Tillinger, the enterprise has come
north from a debut two years ago in Fort
Lauderdale and Miami, Florida, for a stand
at the Helen Hayes Theatre on West 44th
Street, next door to Sardi's.
  "I was on Broadway in 1970," says actor-
comedian-impressionist Gorshin over the
phone from his home in Los Angeles, some
weeks before the New York opening, "in a 
show called Jimmy, and now I'm going back
to Broadway, 32 years later, and I'm so 
excited.  Well, you always feel good when they ask you back!  Even though...I never
had a picture put up at Sardi's."
  Well, maybe they'll put one up now.
Gorshin, as previewed via video tape, has
George Burn's corrugated-cardboard voice,

and bark, and slippered shuffle, and seen-
everything eyes gleaming out from behind
big black horn-rims, and that single essen-
tial George Burns prop--the cigar that goes
back and forth, back and forth, to the lips
and away without ever being puffed--in
short, all of it, the whole gestalt, down to a
T.  This George also, like the real one, casu-
ally intermeshes with the astral voice and
laughter of Gracie Allen, or--as it may
sometimes be--Didi Conn doing Gracie
from somewhere in the wings.
  Frank Gorshin never in real life met
George Burns, nor ever saw Burns live
onstage.  What he, like every other
American, has seen and heard over the
years (and, of course, of late has studied, researched, intently) is George Burns of
radio, television and motion pictures--in
particular Burns's Oscar-winning perfor-
mance as Al Lewis opposite Walter
Matthau's irascible Willy Clark in the 1975
movie version of The Sunshine Boys.
  "As a matter of fact," says Gorshin, "I
just got through doing a six-month bus-
and-truck tour of The Sunshine Boys, only I
played the Matthau role and Dick Van
Patten had the George Burns role."
  He himself once starred in a movie,
Everything George, "which was not released
and never will be, because they ran out of 
money.  It was, oh, seven, eight years ago.
What I realized from it was a piece of tape."
It was that piece of tape "that my manager
at the time, Larry Spellman, brought to the


"People ask me how I do these things," says Gorshin of his uncanny impersonations.  "With George Burns, I just did it by watching him, thinking him and eventually it was there."

attention of Bill Franzblau, who got
intrigued."  (William Franzblau is the lead 
producer and Larry Spellman one of the six other producers of Say Goodnight Gracie.)  "I
was then at the Claridge in Atlantic City,
doing Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Jack
Nicholson, and I also did two minutes of George Burns, right there onstage, without
makeup or anything.  Bill Franzblau was impressed.  He brought Rupert Holmes
down to see me, and it was decided that 
Rupert Holmes was going to write a show
and I was going to do it."
  Gorshin says that during the four 
months in Florida, "people would gasp for a
minute when I turned around.  They think
for a second that it is George Burns; some 
even said that George Burns was 'channel-
ing" [back to earth] through me.
  "People ask me how I do these things 
[his takeoffs]. I have to explain that I wish I could tell you Step 1, Step 2, but it's not so.  
With George Burns, I just did it by watch-
ing him thinking him, and eventually it 
was there."
  Nathan Birnbaum was 11 years old
when he quit school to form and lead The
Pee Wee Quartet, his entrance into show business.  He was 15 years old and a dance
instructor when he changed his name to 
George Burns.  He was 27 and getting
nowhere fast when he met and started an 
act with a San Francisco girl named Grace
Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen.
  George Burns lived to be 100.  "I'm get-
ting more longevity out of George Burns
than anyone I ever did." says Gorshin.  "I
stay onstage an hour and a half."  Over the
phone from Los Angeles there comes a sort
of George Burns bard.  "I told a friend I was
going to New York to do a one-man show.
He wanted to know if there was anything in
it for him."  Oy, Riddler, they were saying
that even before George Burns was born.

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Town Hall  123 West 43RD Street

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