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[[advertisement]] [[image of Barbara Streisand]] BARBARA STREISAND "HIGHER GROUND" A collection of songs that celebrate love and faith Featuring TELL HIM, a landmark duet with CELINE DION [[logo for J&R Music World]] MAIN OUTLET 23 PARK ROW • NY,NY 10039 (212) 238-9000 Order Toll Free 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days a Week 1-800-221-8180 $13.99 CD, $7.99 Cassette Sale price valid through 12/31/97 COLUMBIA http://www.sony.com Columbia Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Marca Registrada./© 1997 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. [[/advertisement]] Broadway Grab Bag by Louis Botto MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC RCA Victor has captured the lyrical and musical excitement of the show that swept the Tony Awards on the original Broadway cast recording of Titanic: A New Musical. Original cast CDs of Titanic (featuring Larry Keith and Alma Cuervo, above) and Chicago (right) are at your record store The production won five Tony Awards, every category in which it was nominated. RCA has also released the original cast albums of Once Upon a Mattress, the current Chicago and concept albums of The Life and Ragtime. (In 1998 it will release the original cast album of Ragtime.) In addition RCA is releasing CDs of three vintage Broadway musicals: The Golden Apple, Rex and Goodtime Charley. New from Philips: two popular international singers. Italy's Andrea Bocelli is featured on a romantic CD called Romanza, a collection of soothing ballads sung in Italian. On the final track he is joined by Sarah Brightman in the lovely song "Time To Say Goodbye." Also on the Philips label is David Campbell/Taking the Wheel. Australia's Campbell sings a splendid collection of old and new songs. Among the gems are "I Got Rhythm" (Girl Crazy), "Not a Day Goes By" (Merrily We Roll Along) and "Storybook" (The Scarlet Pimpernel). Says pianist/singer Michael Feinstein: "David's choice of material is impeccable as he deftly mixes old and new standards as if they were long lost cousins." CDs, books, videos and more for the theatre lover on your gift list [[image of book cover: Titanic Survivor by Violet Jessop]] TITANIC AFLOAT This is clearly the season for the Titanic. Not only has the musical become a megahit, but publishers have gone aboard with two facinating spin-offs. Sheridan House has published Titanic Survivor: The Newly Discovered Memoirs of Violet Jessop Who Survived both the Titanic and Britannic Disasters, introduced, edited and annotated by John Maxtone-Graham. In 1970 Mr. Maxtone-Graham met the remarkable Ms. Jessop who had not only survived the Titanic and Britannic disasters as a stewardess, but also the 1911 collision of the HMS Hawke with the Olympic. But it was not until 1996 that he received from Ms. Jessop's relatives a memoir of her extraordinary life written by her in 1934. (Ms. Jessop died in 1971.) This gripping book is the only one about the sinking of the Titanic by a member of the ship's crew ($23.95). Random House has issued an unusual box format titled Titanic: The Official Story/April 14-15, 1912. This unique box contains reproductions of 18 loose documents, each resembling the originals in London's Public Records Office. They include a blueprint of the Titanic's deck plans; its final, chilling telegram; a riveting, eye-witness, handwritten account by one of the survivors; and a letter from the vessel's owners assuring the government in the early hours of April 15 that there was "no danger of loss of life" ($23.95). continued [[advertisement]] [[image of a Netscape web browser screen]] http://www.playbill.com AMERICAN EXPRESS BRINGS YOU MORE WAYS TO SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE SHOW. [[image of an American Express Card]] [[logo for PLAYBILL ON-LINE]] [[logo for TITANIC: A NEW MUSICAL]] Visit Playbill On-Line and use your American Express® Card to purchase theater tickets and merchandise without leaving the house. Just another way American Express helps theater lovers do more. Visit us at www.americanexpress.com or call 1-800-THE-CARD. [[logo "do more. American Express Cards"]] ©1997 American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. ©1997 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved. This page may not be reprinted or copied without the express written permission of Netscape. Netscape is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corp. [[/advertisement]]