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does anything by halves. Roing [?] is sorry he can't practice. he saved him last year from having Pneumonia it took a lone out of {Mrs. Bings?] face after she fell down the bulkhead after, Golding couldn't see why she didn't get well from the fall. so you see it's a great Pity he has to drink. he is a success in his practice + people know it. 
   I do hope it clears off, we are having very mild weather so far and our snow stay off wonderfully. they are having enough out west we read of it in the papers.
   They were taking Nellie to the movies again this afternoon.  Laura called up this forenoon it is time for them now to show up 6 o'clock when I have serving or something to do. I prefer being alone part of the time I was used to it all my married life
   Mystic called up yesterday she likes there so far, + speaks of them as being very nice to get along with. Mrs Boleord went to Boston with him early + stayed all day. so guess she likes it, Mystic has Sundays all day off. but guess the rest of the time stays right there her feet + legs are bad. we think its fallen arches, she says its her knees. but fallen arches effect the knees. so Miss Barry says, she has had them and speaks from experience, but your cant tell Mystic anything she knows it all.
Kanute takes his meals one at Edgar Beals + lives with Mrs. Sandhome[?] so Lottie Brane told me, he is near 90 years old and feeble. I guess his  mother was that age when she passed on. He went across the water and saw her before she died. Hope you don't the cold and are all well now Ma.


Transcription Notes:
Kanute takes his meals one at Edgar Beals and lives with his Grandma so Lottie Brane told me, he is near 90 years old and feeble. I guess his mother was that age when she passed on. He went across the water and saw her brother she died. Hope you don't the cold and are all well now Ma.