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[[margin]]Shall cash check soon, as my money from the first one is most exhausted. it has lasted three months. winter coal + oil large bills Ma
Stoughton Dec [[23 or 28]]rd 1986
Dear Folks, 
Another cold spell 10 [[degrees]] above this morning but it is gradually growing warmer. we had a slight snow storm night before last. it came out of a clear sky while the moon was shining. the snow came down in waves it looked like the ocean waves, but melted so there was not a sign of it left in the morning. a very unusual sight. + then on the heels of it this cold snap came it [[sums queer?]]. we are lucky to have bare ground though so far, although "winter never rots in the sky" as they always say. 
Mrs Barry + Lareta have gone to Mrs Steels funeral, who died very suddenly. she has been to all the society functions right along, even attended a meeting of the Womans club when Mr Bullock, Matties husband, lay dead in her house. now his daughter is sick. they have tried everything + theres no help for the poor little thing. her feet + legs are shrinking up the bones turning to stone. he was an awful care crazy as a loon for weeks + months + they had Freddie Stickney to take care of him. he had to strap him down in bed. so she was had her share of trouble. hr father was also a care, crazy so I am glad the mother passed away so peacefully.

Transcription Notes:
The date looks like 28 but because of the rd I think it might be 23rd.