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time before any one realized it. the same with Pa, but he lingered its much better to go quick. it depends some on their constitution the ones who are positive are the ones to linger. Mrs. Tom Wood has died in our neighborhood, she leaves quite a family. her last two babies died. William is her last unmarried son. one of her daughters married Ward Lindfiel. Mrs Barry is doing up her last few x mas presents to send off. she is going to give the Postman a bag of x mas cards to carry off tomorrow if he comes. guess they will be glad to see the last of the holiday. poor Southworth has. we were rather hard on him. we did not then realize his condition, he was just keeping up, untill he was going to be retired in the spring.
        I am glad you are enjoying your Artist friends it will help to prolong your life in giving you some interest in other things, which are worth while + what was meant for you to do. I saw in last night paper where some of Mort Lambs paintings had been sold in Morristown New Jersey. a place where they had been wanting them for their church + since the new minister came, they bough three or four. it may be good for Anna to have this money coming the first of the winter. as it does. no one knows her circumstances but herself I presume as she is proud + very close mouthed. I hope you will enjoy a happy x mas + little Doris will be over her cold + have her good allowance this year of goodies. we are to have a chicken the last of the week. she has been invited out for herxmas dinner. but will not go untill 2 o'clock in the afternoon to Laura's Ma