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[[top margin]] Mrs Webster Lambert & daughter Addie have been calling on me this afternoon we have had a mighty good talk over old times. she says we will surely meet again sometime. we were old neighbors so long she had grown old I hardly knew her. While they were here Mrs Filcher came to take me for a ride. since she sprained her ankle I had not seen her before. she is still suffering from the effects. Poor soul. sorry to miss my ride. but glad to have seen her. Ma   
Ira Burnhams widow died last night.  [[/top margin]]

Stoughton Oct 25th 1936

Dear Folks 

A very sunny day. during the night we had our first white frost. I noticed it on the roofs & in places where the sun had not struck it. think it has held off pretty well here, as its getting along to the first of November. we brought into the kitchen, the plants off the porch, as they said it was growing pretty frosty & the thermometer was down to 40° now I need not worry for fear of their being killed by a freeze. Mrs Barry has just started to church, Mr Marshalls last Sunday & they were very anxious to have her sing. the church will probably be packed to hear his last sermon there in town. everybody is sorry to have him go. as he is a good man, they say he is next to God & Amy Fremmer saw him for the first time one night at a church supper in the church & said he looked like Jesus Christ. 

The Harringtons came yesterday on their way to Boston & brought over two Bibles with our names on the outside cover in gilt. mine was blue & hers a brown from Mrs Holmes. he cannot raise the money to buy the place, so she has let it to some one they know & has got pay for three months in advance. so they are to look for something in town. meanwhile they can store their furniture in the upstairs