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Stoughton October 15th 1936

Dear Folks

Two cloudy days after a cold snap with a snowy feeling atmosphere. grown warmer with a promise of rain. I have finished taking up my geraniums & have got them all in pots. I may put them down cellar some of them. after they get used to being dug up. our maples are very colorfull. lots of the leaves blew off during the gale we had pass by us, two days ago, that did so much damage father north. it left us with freezing weather so we run our heater these nights. the wind got around to the Eastward so it is warmer. 

Lena has just been here for a good bye call. she has been up to New Hampshire all summer & is starting south to Florida at six O'clock tomorrow morning with her cousin Lawrence Aunt Nora's son who run the hotel up there in NH (their granfatheres old place) she is going to try a new scheme keep books or help him in what he finds will offer down there trip down there. they may just have the trip down there & back any how he says they can see the place if nothing offers. some of his folks are going to make up the party. they may call you up on the phone as they go through she said