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[[top margin]] PS I am on my second rug am going strong sun comes out by spells. I am taking up my flowers a little at a time 
Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton September 27th 1936

Dear Doris

We have been freezing for two days & now the temperature has change for a few days & its warmer we got the frost Friday night in low places & the thermometer went down to 37[[degrees]] my flowers escaped & there was no sign of a frost up on the hill. Bill came in at 9 O'clock & said to cover up your flowers, for there is going to be a frost to night. I did not but was anxious througout the night but for once every thing turned out all right, in lower places there was a killing frost, so it said in the papers. I will have to get oil for I fear it will be needed early. we set our time back last night so now we are going on the regular old time again.

Well the Marden auction sale came off yesterday it lasted all day, it called a big crowd, they sold out everything. & Ed Decon wanted to buy the house but they refused to sell, they will rent it instead. Careta is satisfied to live in her own place & have [[strikethrough]] rent & [[/strikethrough]] all expenses paid, she is going to have sleeping sun porches put on & has got, through her brother, more money, so can live like she wants to & have plenty to do with. she is very good & alo generous to Amy they live togather & get along fie Amy is poor & is being treated by Dr Brides she says that Dr Dorety spoke in great praise of Dr Brides & said he was