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so blue since he was retired from his job (Clerk of court) they tell him she is the one who can do it. he has a bad heart & nothing to do but brood over his trouble.

I hope you got back with out any mishap & escaped the shower. Maude called up Saturday she was greatly disturbed over your going. for she thought you were to be here another week & wanted us to come down there to the shore cottage for a clam chowder dinner to day. really she felt dreadfully upset. I did the best I could to pacify her & told her that Sidney had so much work to do while he was here, that there was but little time for him to rest or go any where, but he had tried three times to find her home & it so happened she was away. he seemed much disappointed & for her to cheer up & write him a letter. I feel from now on our summer is on the wane. cooler weather will prevail. I like the cooler days but dread the winter & to be shut in by snow & freezing temperature. I am sending along the Herald as you requested she will take it along tomorrow for she intends to go to the movies. the days are fast going by we were listening in to Langdons speech he was on the air at nine o'clock from Maine. it was one of his best speeches. very forceful. reminded me of Hoover. Oh! I do so hope they will wake up before its too late to prevent another world war but I am afraid it may end there before long the way things are going
