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Stoughton August 11th 1936 

Dear Folks 

      It is a nice cool day + hope it continues yesterday was hot in the middle of the day. I hope my Aggiefranthus will stay in bloom 'till you come home. it has three bunches it is a beautiful sight. my flowers are looking well since the rain. if you have any old clothes fit for me to braid into rugs, bring them along when you come north. I have made two rugs all the old things. I have stripped up old stockins & everything I can find. this spring. Mrs. Barry asks every body for rags for me to braid up they don't seem to have them. generally Maude has such things. I guess she is too lazy to hunt them up. I have given Laurence a bundle of thing I raked up out of bureau drawers & boxes he is to be pittied living there all alone in that old deserted house Bill says he dont have much work, so she sent him once a dollar & Bill put another dollar with it he often gives him meat & vegetables to last him over the week end. he is polish but is a very good hearted man. ready to do anything for Mrs. Barry a good servant. Bill carried home our