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into the arm. that has been lately discovered & is counteracting the disease, it seems to work wonders. soon we wont need to die, there will be something found to prevent our passing out & then this earth will be over crowded with people. deliver me from such a fate. I called up Anna yesterday & told her about our trip, also told her I wished she had been able to have taken it with is. she said it would have been lovely. she said that Beatrice Monk was writing up an article about the Longyear Foundation & they spoke of a Miss Monk who was there. I guess she is working it up for the Christian Science people who were left to carry it on. the taxes on the Longyear Foundation estate were 450.000 I read in the paper, so you see it means something for them to keep up & its not paying them, Miss Hughs told us. her daughters are not in favor of it. their mother left her money to this cause, as she thought they had enough from the fortune that they got from their fathers will. one son is a follower of Christian Science & finds no fault with the mothers will. the way she left her property. I wish you might have some of our cool weather. I have been cold all the forenoon, should have worn my sweater but did'nt, the sun has clouded in, guess a rain seems probable. clam chowder for dinner. I made some apple sauce. the Harringtons brought some down, not many on that little tree on the Blake place. well. I guess my letter will have to stay here till morning, as the mail has already been here 