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retire he keeps young by working I suppose. one would not take him to be much over 70 he came of a long lived race & knows how to take care of himself. Amy Tremble a friend who has been staying with Careta stopped in to see Mrs Barry Sunday night & waited untill she got home from her ride with Bill. they brought home an ice cream & we had a feast. then Bill stayed to supper & in the evening. I like Amy she is very pleasant & not so proud as Careta. she stays with her off and on most of the time, but has a home in Arlington. her husband is a travelling salesman & she sells corsets her husband is a relative of the Mardens. she earns good money at her trade, more than he does we think. I hope the bee sting is better perhaps it may teach her to be more careful of handling such treacherous things. thank God it was'nt any worse. Our roses have been spoilt by the rains now our flocks are just coming along also the blue bells are in their prime & also yellow daisies. Ruth came over alone, she had a chance to ride over with some body. the check came yesterday thanks. glad you are getting my letters now. sorry you are suffering from heat hope you wont have to live so always. it is bad enough in N England. we seem to have good neighbors in the house accross the way very quiet & respectable they seem to be related to each other. well we are all well Mrs Barry's hand is much better. she can bend her fingers. Ma