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Thomomys were burrowing in the hard granite gravel that made the soil in the canon. On the bottom of their holes lay  a pavement of large loose gravel stones they had found too [[strikethrough]] numerous [[/strikethrough]] large to carry out. 

Lone Pine Cal -- 
Tuesday Dec 16 - 1890
Visited my traps in the canon - Found a few Arvicolas in the traps set in the wet meadow and a few [[strikethrough]] Arvicola [[/strikethrough]] Hesperomys sonoriensis with [[strikethrough]] numerous [[/strikethrough]] numerous Ochetodons were found in the traps set in the wet willow hedge of the bottom land.

Up in the canon I found my traps nearly all filled by Hesperomys [[evernicus?]] They got into my traps of all 

Transcription Notes:
Thomomys - type of gopher