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is very common in the sage brush along the slope from the nut pines down to Alabamas _ less common there to the River. 

Saw one Buteo Calurus just above Alabamas. 


Took up my traps at foot of Sierras. Caught one [[Neoseorx]] just at lower edge of Nut Pine belt Also caught a very tawny colored [[Thonioneys?]] in nut pine belt at t lower edge of [[firs?]] and saw several places where they worked. Wounded a [[speorn. gauimunes?]] in rock near lower edge of firs by it escaped. Saw a [[Ciulus?]] at lower edge of nut pines in creek + saw the fresh burrows of a scalops at upper edge of Alabamas this makes a series of these seen from lower edge of Alabamas up to Nut Pine belt of Sierras. [[crossed out]] Food [[\end crossed out]] Set some traps fro [[soors?]]