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Religious Exercises

Habits of Nasua nanca when young.

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and smaller towns by the poor people.

Religious exercises are practiced at all seasons of the year & the person who takes them goes into seclusion on Saturday night and remains until a week from the next Monday a.m.

Easter week is the time when they are more largely & generally practiced than at any other time. At this time a state of excitement is worked up that sometimes results in insanity and one instance was told me of a young lady's death resulting from it.

While sitting in my hotel today I saw a man leading a young nasua by with a string. I bought it & was amused by its odd performances. It was very gentle - not offering to bite but trying to pull away when on the floor and when picked up by grasping it about the back by the hand it would at once clap its paws over its eyes and hold them there until put down almost exactly like a frightened child and