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grows abundantly.  I found here Aphelocoma couchi & the same deer as at Jesus Maria, but from the palms & the Spanish moss & the large oak & walnut trees in the caƱons it was evident that this range which extends N. & S. along the Eastern border of a small secondary valley (which is separated from the val. of San R. by some low hills) and form an intermediate range between the coast climate & the arid valley of San Luis.  East of this range extending away for many miles is a broad open & fertile but rather arid plain apparently very similar to that west of the mts.  

The season has again passed, for the 3d time in succession, without rain enough to make a crop.

Deaths from a severe form of cholera morbus are very common among the very poor in San Luis and it is a common sight to see four or 6 men carrying at a trot a coffin on their shoulders through the streets while a few miserable mourners trot along behind.