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Tlalpan notes: The woman keeping fonda wanted wanted skunk bodies saying that their flesh was very good for bad blood. In Irolo a young soldier wanted skunk bodies because the meat was a good remedy for syphilis.

I was told that a couple of Spaniards hunting near Ajusco in fall before we came there were robbed by the indians who came up pretending to wish to see their game & suddenly siezed the men & took their guns, &c. The indians here have the name of being great thieves but rarely commit murder. 

On Dec. 8 & 9th clouds gathered about tops of Pop. & Izt. & concealed them while the wind blew in gusts in the valley. On the latter date the clouds drifted in fragments across the valley, torn from the mass on the mts. In early a.m. while the sun is shining on E. side of Izt. the vast mass of West. side of mt. is a deep blue black contrasted with the ghostly form of the white woman. At intervals long filmy strata of fleecy white clouds drift athwart the mt. below timber line showing in brilliant contrast to the [[strikethrough]] shadow brooded [[/strikethrough]] dark, wooded, shadow-brooded mt. side.

for one of the outer world.

DEC 27 1892 Huitzilac-

Morelos. After various aggravating delays this morning we got off on horseback to cross the mountains to the state of Morelos. According to our custom in travelling over dangerous roads I went ahead with my rifle conveniently at hand while my assistant rode about 20-25 yds behind with a couple of charges of buck shot in his gun. In this way we hope to make any attempt to take us in rather difficult work. We soon left the valley of Mexico and ascended to the broad summit