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he had deceived me. There are said to be a series of underground rooms in the hill below the ruin that are very interesting From Cuernavaca I went to Yautepec & there I experienced the same discourteous treatment I had rec'd at Cuernevaca when I asked for assistance from the local authorities. I also found the common people remarkably tricky & dishonest in dealing & a general [[strikethrough]] disa [[/strikethrough]] boorishness in their manner toward me as a stranger that I have encountered nowhere else in Mexico. For this reason it was peculiarly striking & disagreeable, and I left the state with no pleasant memory of its people.

found in dry caves near here & living behind the huge carved back to the altar in a church. Under the guidance of the sacristan we hunted out some of these latter with cane rods but as I had many of them already, I took no more.

Cuernavaca is a rather picturesque place as it is built on uneven ground between two deep gulches The old castle of Cortez stands on the brow of one slope and is a large square building now occupied by the local authorities for various purposes.

Aside from the fortress-like character of this building,