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On Feby 22d left Ameca with pack outfit & ascended to about 11000 ft. on N. slope of Popocatépetl where I camped under a rock shelter on side of a steep cañon [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] amid the pines & firs.  (For rest of this trip & ascent of Vol. of Pop. see notes written up during that trip in another book.  (cf. pp. - of this copy).  

See other notebook here. 

Chalchicomula - Mt. Orizaba
April 18, 1893

The morning was occupied in arranging with the men buying ropes, rush mats & provisions for the trip up the peak.

At 8 A.M. we were ready to go but the men charged, to have horses on hand, yesterday failed to show up & I had the pleasure of exercising some of the necessary virtue of patience.

About noon it became evident that it would be impossible to get horses to start today so I had my outfit carried