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[A.G.O. No. 23.]

In testimony of our agreement we bind ourselves and affix our hands to the foregoing contract the day and date above written.

Signatures of Laborers

[[4 columned table]]
| Name | Age | Number of Children | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Harper his mark | 45 | } 6 children |   |
| Louisa her mark | 35 | } |   |
| Wesley his mark | 38 |   |   |
| Zach his mark | 36 |   |   |
| Dick his mark | 27 |   |   |
| Robinet her mark | 20 |   |   |
[[/4 columned table]]

[[left margin]] 
Contracted with 
Caroline Stewart
[[/left margin]]