Viewing page 243 of 300

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[[4 columned table]]
| Names. | Age. | No. of Dependents. | Remarks. |
| E.R. Brown | 29 | 4 |   |
| A Hornsby | 21 | 2 |   | 
| A.H. Goodwin | 13 |   |   |
[[/4 columned table]]

[[right margin]]
Albert Hornsby
J.T. Brown
Bought of A. [[Horn?]]
[[/right margin]]

Albert Hornsby
[[?]] [[?]]

George Grovermen
A Hornsby Albert Hornsby 
A Hornsby Albert Hornsby
Albert Hornsby Albert Hornsby

Executed in Presence of Milton Kolb

Jno E. Kolb
James McCann

[[right margin]]
Milton Kolb
Aug 14" '65

Transcription Notes:
Looks like Albert Hornsby was practicing his signature. agree- scratch paper?