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Rained all night snow all gone.

Stoughton December 19th 1937

Dear Folks

We have had another snowstorm. it came Thursday night towards morning & last night a rain, together with a mild day to day, so Friday it is very slippery & slushy going. hope it don’t freeze up. the report says rain to night & Saturday & cool Sunday.

I am at work on Doris little slips one is made & the other partly cut out. Mrs Barry got the material for a bag like mine that Mrs Schieber sent me & I am to make it up for her present from me, as she is fond of things I make more than boughten presents. it is cut out ready to put together & stitch on the machine. her material is very handsome a remnant she happened to get cheap. After hunting Boston stores through. Mr Turner took her to Brockton & she found what just suited her there.
I sent my last bundle to you Thursday morning by Railway express & you should get it this week possibly. he was coming to the house for Mrs Barrys big box & so I gave my bundle to him as it would save bothering to get