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I see by the Records Mr Barrett brother of Mrs Toomey left his Estate to her some
$10,000 or more and also I see Mrs T. has transfered the home place to Mary so that fixes it so if anything happens to the boys, the place cannot be touched that was the way the boys did with Nellie I dont think Dennis or Nellie are gaining much in strength as yet.

Jack Phinney tells me that Mary Beals husband had a position in Conn that paid him nearly twice that in N H and had been settled there but a short time he had another for
as much again more up near Montreal and took the place and that Mr B. is there with them and seems to be rather gloomy most of the time he did 
not say as to the rest of family Mr B. came here some time ago and buried the
two Urnes of ashes on the lot and now is doing nothing to take up his mind.