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& served for a home for lots of black aunts [[ants]], of which the bird are having a great feast since it has been opened up. By the way the robin is still on the nest at last, & think she must be laying her eggs. soon Pa thinks she will be setting. as I had not seen her for a number of days, I naturally thought she had forsaken it. but she was on yesterday, & now I guess she means to stay. Three old men lay dead in town. Redmond Barret, James Meade, & Charles Holmes. I dont know whose turns comes next, a lot have been thinned out this year that is sure. but they are soon forgotten, nine days to the most. but Jim Meade will be a great loss to this town as there will be no one left to carry on the business. he was down east when he died. well I suppose it is an anxious time for you  folks from now out, I hope Eleanor gets down there without any mishaps. Percy will start here in Boston all right. Ma