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them. I like the one taken in her fathers lap where she seems to be wanting to get hold of something she sees ahead of her. the funny little tyke. & that one in your lap where she is sleepy. looks like the little Henry some. Ralph is all Chamber of Commerce these days helping the new firm by getting up a big banquet to raise money $5. a plate for supper tickets. This new firm is turning off town help and hiring Brockton hands, two this week. if Ralph thinks that is policy, he must be blind. Fred Clapp has sent back his tickets the Chamber sent him. he says he has to work for his money. & 10. dollars means a good deal to him. the only ones the new firm has benefitted in this town, is Helen Metcalf in getting rid of her big house to one of them. (I say.) they want the town to let up on taxes so there seems to be trouble all around. The sun is out once more. Ruby is running her new car over to Brockton where she teaches & seems to be contented although Jim & Mary are scart [[scared]] of it. they will get used to it in time maybe. Jacks housekeeper is back again well this is all. Ma.