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[[strikethrough]]Did we send Lena letter in your Ma last letter?[[/strikethrough]] 
[[top margin]] Sue just called up to say how much they enjoyed Berts call. Alice was having her 4H class & Burt was right at home in it for he had the class at home in boys, so he sang the songs. he tried to teach them the comical ones. so instead of going home at 5 'o clock he went at half past 7. Sue said he can make a very good appearance. [[/top margin]]


Feb 3rd 1929

Dear Doris 
This is a cold morning but the sun is coming up with unusual brightness and bids fair to be one glorious day over head. I had occasion to go down town after more thread for my patchwork after waiting most all the week for the ice to disappear. a snow storm coming the night before made it safe, but I found it terrible hard walking, so I was glad when I reached home safely. Burt Wentworth was here he came over from Herricks the night