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[[strikethrough]] the part of the party of the first part.[[strikethrough]]

There shall be no labor required of said ___ freedman from 12 M Saturday until Monday morning, except the care of stock and other necessary labor. except in cases of emergency, said emergency to be determined by said Scott  When such labor is performed, the same account of time is to be given afterwards
It is further agreed, that in case the party of the first part shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the obligations assumed to said ___ freedom, or shall be guilty of cruelty to him, this contract shall be considered liable to annulment in addition to legal remedies left to said freedman. And in case the said ___ freedman shall voluntarily absent himself or shall neglect or refuse to perform the labor herein contracted for, the said Scott party of the first part shall have the right to discharge the said ___ freedman party of the second part and the whole wages due the said party of the second part shall be forfeited to said party of the first part on damages for non-performance of contract on part of said party of the second part.
It is furthermore agreed that any wages due the said freedman under this agreement shall constitute a lien on the crop raised on the place aforesaid said Said Scott further agrees to furnish to each laborer, two suits of clothing (summer) and one suit of winter clothing and two pairs of shoes. In cases of illness, the wages accruing to said parties of second part, during such illness, are to be forfeited to said party of the first part.

In witness whereof the parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals this  ___ day of ___ 186
Signed and sealed in presence of }
W.D. Gibbs
J Raiford Bell

their marks 
Laura  x  Smith 17    Burwell Scott
Jordan  x  Diggs 34   Tempe  her  x  mark  Diggs  Age 58 years
Milly  x  Diggs 46    Kitty  her  x  mark  Diggs  Age 24 years
Henry  x  Smith 17    
Anderson  x  Smith 27 

their marks
Sally  x  Diggs  Age 17 years
Elmira  x  Mills  Age 26 years
Amos  x  Walkins  Age 29 years 
Chany  x  Miller  Age 38 years   
Frank  x  Williams  Age   
Adeline x  Williams  Age  

S.P Woodworth
Lien and Sub lien
Jan 3rd 1866

Transcription Notes:
There were two whole sections - written sections - that was omitted, and this had be deemed "Completed". I reopened it and fixed it.