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for all investigations, besides the loss of times.

3rd That the money accrued for one third of the net provides of the cotton or cotton itself due to the undersigned laberors be divided to the value of hands, as 1st class 2nd class & 3rd class in this proportion, 1st Class $10, 2nd class $8, 3rd class $6. The classifications left to be decided by three hand laberors and be put opposite their respective names so undersigned.

4th To allow them good and sufficient rations, house rent and fuel free rations however not to exceed four pounds of meat and a pick of mul for work for each field hand such vegetables as the place has to afford.

5th To allow them one half of ever Saturday in the work for their own pursuit the whole day of the fourth of July, and to have a garden spot the size of which of which to the decided by the Employer.

6th To furnish them clothes actually necessary, under the condition to be repaired for the clothes so bought out of their wages at the decision of the crop,

The undersigned Freedmen in my employ will be required to obey and conform to the following rules,
1st No general conversations will be allowed during working hours
2nd Bad work will be appraised at its proper value
3rd For disobedience one dollar will be deducted
4 Neglect of duty & leaving without permission will be [[strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]] considered disobedience
5 No live stock will be permitted to be raised by the employee without special contract
6 The employees will receive no visits during working hours

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. Edited so... much. No superscript indication needed. Strikethroughs are [[strikethrough]] text [[/strikethrough]].