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any cause, fail or neglect, to cultivate well and in a workmanlike manner said land, it may be lawful and proper for the party of the first part to hire hands untill he sees the crop is out of danger and charge the hire to the party of the second part to be taken or deducted from their portion of the crop at the end of the year 1866.

And it is further agreed by the party of the second part, that all repairing of tools, harness and implements will be done by them at their own expense and that they will take diligent care of all stock left under their charge not suffering them to be rode or used except for business pertaining to the actual cultivation of the crop and in case of a violation of this part of the agreement the party of the second part agree to pay any penalty imposed on them by the party of the first part, to be collected out of their portion of the crop at the end of the year 1866 and that all mules and horses - stock of any description - tools, harness and implements will at the end of the year 1866 be returned to the party of the first part, their lawful owner. And it is further agreed by the party of the second part that they will keep their Cabbins in good repair together with with the fencing around them and the fencing around the ground they cultivate - and that all repairs made - all Cabbins and outhouses erected shall at the end of the year 1866 be considered as part of the property and belong to the party of the first part - And it is further agreed by the party of the second part that they will not permit the visiting at their Cabbins during the week, either night or day, any persons white or black or mulatto, that they will not burn or suffer to be burnt any planks, board or rails or cut down any green timber (unless

Transcription Notes:
I tried to go a little further on this document but was not able to get far. There are some parts that are a little faded as well and I was unsure how to transcribe the physical aspects of the document or when it's appropriate to do so. Completed.