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Said Vaiden as party of the first part has agreed to give the aforesaid hands To wit -  Washington Roberson Ned Scroggins' wife Martha Ellen Irby, Davy Vaiden & Maria Butler.

The one fourth part of the cotton and corn so potatoes and peas cultivated by their labor, according to the rules of determining hands.

It is furthermore understood in as much as a part of the hands, cultivating said Vaiden's land's are unwilling to work for a part of the crop - but are working for fixed prices of hire, according to contract. They are to work on, and their so ask, is to be regulated by the same rules as those working for part of the crop - and in the division of the crop they are to represent said Vaiden and draw their relative proportions of crops for said Vaiden as his right and property while they receive their several amounts of crops in money, according to contract.

The aforesaid party of the second part, To Wit Washington Roberson, Ned Scroggins wife Martha, Ellen Irby, Davy Vaiden and Maria Butler.
Obligate and bind themselves, well and faithfully to cultivate the lands so described as above in said section twelve Township nine and Range Eight, and promise and bind themselves to do any and all kinds of work called for, by said Vaiden, upon his premises, or farm - and in case of sickness of either of the party of the second part, they or either of their promise and obligate themselves [[strikethrough]] themselves [[/strikethrough]] to lose the time, or employ a hand, in the place of the sick one, The party of the first part, furthermore promises and agrees to furnish provisions to the party of the second part. To wit 3 1/2 lbs bacon per week, and a peck of meal to each hand per week