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State of Mississippi
Yazoo County
I. M P Cheatham have this day hired Joseph Read to work on my farm to perform all the duties required on Said farm as a farm hand Respectfully obeying all orders given by me or any one acting in my place to attend to all Stock placed in his charge and treat it humanely he agrees to cultivate five acres in corn and ten in cotton and assist in working all paches necessary for the use of the farm and to assist in doing all repairs necessary to keep the farm in good order for which I am to give him one half of the cotton made to the hand on my farm and furnish him good and holsom rations as follows 3 1/2 lbs of bacon or Salted pork or 8 1/2 lbs of fresh beef and one peck of corn meal per week. He to furnish his own cloths pay his doctors bill and all taxes. The term of Service to commence on the first day of January A.D 1866 and end the first day of January A.D 1867 witness our hands and Seals this the day of January A. D. 1866
David Stampley
Thos. C. Bunch

M P Cheatham {Seal}
Joseph his x mark Read {Seal}

Approved LP Woodworth
Lieut & Sub Com
Jan 4 1866