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well the hundred acres in corn for the sole benefit of the said Barnes (Guardian); to aid in any extra work about the place, such as clearing up ground, building Stables and other houses, making necessary fences and all such extra work as is usual on cotton plantations. The undersigned Geo Barnes (Guardian) together with his partner in this contract (as shown by contract between them) to receive the balance of the cotton crop._ He the said Barnes (Guardian) to superintend, direct, & manage the entire affairs of the place, to keep all accounts to settle with all freedmen hired by the parties and in every way to direct and control the Place with the hands thereon._ We the undersigned freedmen agree with ourselves and the said Barnes (Guardian) that there shall be an account kept of loss of time by each hand which shall in final settlement be deducted from his or her individual share and added to the general stock for division of proceeds._ The undersigned Freedmen further agree that they will give nine (9) hours faithful work in Winter per day and after the first day of April until the first day of December, they will also work faithfully ten (10) hours per day: that they will be obedient, orderly, and preserve good discipline and conduct on the place:_ They furthermore agree that the said Barnes (Guardian) shall have power to discharge them for bad conduct or failure to perform their full work as heretofore specified.___ This contract is signed and agreed upon this 8th day of January 1866 in the presences of 
R. Ingram
H Montgomery