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6. For idleness, refusing to work when able to do so, feigning sickness, impudent, profane or indecent language to or in presence of employer or Manager or their families, quarreling, fighting, stealing, drunkenness, disobedience, wilfull neglect of duty, quitting work without permission, & offenses of a like serious character the laborer will be carried before a Magistrate or other proper Officer for punishment; all expenses, loss of time &c will be charged against laborer; & when laborer is dismissed, his or her wages, if entitled to any, will be decided upon by said Magistrate or Officer; & said wages will be deducted from part of the crop allotted to Laborers. When laborer intentionaly quits plantation, he either forfeits all wages In all cases of dismissal or voluntarily quitting plantation, the family & Dependents will be dismissed at the discretion of the employer or Manager.

7. Dependents are to be under the same obligation & rules as the laborers, & when they are minors, punishment will be inflicted by their parents, or employer or Manager.

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Witness to Contract
R.G. Gibson
M Colin
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