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require of them for the time aforesaid
It is further agreed that the Rules hereto attached be made a part of this Contract and that if the said parties of the second part become idle or refuse to work when able to do so, or feign sickness or leave the Plantation, then is that Case (with the approval of the proper officer) this contract shall be at an end, and said Parties shall forfeit all unpaid wages.
The classification is to be made upon the ability of the laborers to perform tasks. When laborers do not perform work assigned to one class, he or she will be reduced to an inferior class
The party of the first part shall be the judge of the classification.
Dependants are under the same Rules as the laborers, and when they are minors punishment will be inflicted by the Parents or said Lessee of this Plantation.
In testimony whereof the said Parties have hereafter affixed their names or mark the day and year afore named 
Henry  his x mark  King
x Haywood Cromwell

Transcription Notes:
Edited -indents not needed. What looks like "Clap" is really "Class", which you should type.