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1st The laborer will be require to rise when the signal is given, at day break and begin work as soon thereafter as he can get to it, and do good and faithful work and the mode and manner of doing work will be entirely under the control of the Manager. For all time lost (saving weather excepted) and for bad work, deductions will be made. The accounts to be approved by the proper officer.
2nd Two hours rest at noon will be allowed during the months of June July and August and one hour in other months of the year.
3rd No laborer will be allowed to visit or received visitors at any time without permission of the Employer or Manager.
4th All abuse or improper use of Stock and negligently breaking or losing tools Gear &c. will be charged against the laborer. The account will be submitted to the proper officer for approval
5th Every laborer must feed and attend to stock and do other necessary work assigned to him or her at all times Sundays included
6th No Fire arms or Liquor will be brought to or kept on the place except by consent of the Employer or Manager 
7th For impudent and profane