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1. The laborer will be required to rise at the blowing of the horn at day-break, and begin work at or before sunrise, and do good and faithful work. The beginning and leaving off work, and the mode and manner of doing work, will be entirely under the control of the employer or manager. For all time lost and for bad work deductions will be made; and in case where entire days are lost from sickness, or other good cause, deductions covering wages and value of rations, will be made. Two hours rest at noon will be allowed in the months of June, July, and August, and one hour in other months of the year.
2. During work hours the laborers will receive no visits, nor visit or receive visits at any other time without permission of employer or manager.
3. All abuse and improper use of stock, and negligently breaking or losing tools, gear, &c., will be charged against the laborer. The [[?]] being first approved by Agt. of Freedmans Bureau or magistrate
4. Every laborer must feed and attend to the stock, and do other necessary work assigned to him or her at all times, Sunday included.
5. No fire arms or liquor will be kept on the plantation except by consent of the employer or manager. 
6. Difficulties that may arise between the laborers shall be adjusted by the employer or manager.
7. For impudent, profane, or indecent language to or in the presence of employer, manager or the families, quarreling, fighting, stealing, disobedience, willful neglect of duty, quitting work without permission and offences of the like serious character, the laborer will be carried before a Magistrate or other proper officer, for punishment, all expense, loss of time, &c., will be charged against the laborer. In all cases of dismissal or voluntarily quitting plantations, the laborer forfeits all unpaid wages, and his family or dependents will be dismissed at the discretion of the manager.