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An Agreement and Contract,
Made the days and dates annexed, by and between............................ Alex Copeland party of the first part, and the within named Freedmen and Freedwomen, parties of the second part, all of the County of Lowndes State of Mississippi. Jan 1st 1866. 
The said party of the first part agrees to pay parties of the second part, according to classification, numbering 1,2,3,4, and 5, in the division of the crops as they are gathered, (with deduction for dependents,) for their labor for the year 1866, the following proportions of the crops:
Half of the crop of Cotton
Fifth of Corn [[strikethrough]] and Fodder [[/strikethrough]]
Fifth of the crop of Wheat.
...............crop of Oats.
...............crop of Potatoes.
...............crop of Peas.
and in addition, said party of the first part shall furnish said parties of the second part quarters and good and sufficient food, (clothing, medical attention, and other supplies for said laborers and their dependents, at the expense of laborers.)
And it is agreed on the part of the parties of the second part for themselves and families that they will well and faithfully perform any and all labor as the said party of the first part or his agent may require of them for the time aforesaid. It is further agreed, that the rules hereto attached be made a part of this contract, and that if the said parties of the second part become idle or refuse to work when able so to do, or feign sickness or leave the plantation, then, and in that case, this contract shall be at an end, and the said party shall forfeit all unpaid wages. 
The classification is made upon tasks. When laborer does not perform work assigned to one class, he or she will be reduced to an inferior class. The manager shall alone be the judge of the classification. 
Dependents are to be under the same obligation and rules as the laborers, and when they are minors punishment will be inflicted by their parents of manager.
In testimony, whereof, the said parties have hereunto affixed their names to this agreement on the days and years annexed.

[[9 columned table]]
|Date of Contract|Names|No. of Classification|Names of Dependents.|Age|Deductions FOR Depend'nts|Amount of Wages after deduction|Freedmen's signature|
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |No - fodder|
|Jan 1st 1866|Ned -Easely|56|1|Mollie S|   |   |   |Nead, E x|
|   |Berry Easely|21|1|Nancy E|   |   |   |Berry, E xx| 
|   |Dock Easely|16|3|   |   |   |   |Dock,E .|
|   |W Easely|14|5|   |   |   |   |Wm E .|
|   |------------|   |   |   |   |   |   |--------|
| |Steave Owens|49|1|   |   |   |   |Steave, O x|
| |Henry Owens|16|3|   |   |   |   |Henry, O .|
|--------------|--|   |   |   |   |   |   |--------|
| |Jake Pearce|46|1|   |   |   |   |   |[[cut-off]]|

Transcription Notes:
Edited. No indents needed. page cut off at bottom.