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An agreement and Contract,

Made the days and dates annexed by and between W.J. Sykes and A.T. Boyd parties of the first part, and the within named Freedmen parties of The second part, all of the County of Lowndes State of Mississippi.
The said parties of the first part agree to pay parties of the second part for their labor for this year, in the aggregate, according to such classification of the value of hands
severally as may be agreed on among themselves, one third of the crops of cotton, corn, fodder, & potatoes which may be made by their labor for the year 1866, subject to the rules herein agreed on. And in addition the parties of the first part shall furnish said parties of the second part free of charge, quarters, & good and sufficient food, and one suit of summer and one suit of winter clothes, excepting hats and shoes.- Medical attention, and supplies to dependents, to be at the expense of the laborers. And it is agreed on the part of parties of the second part for themselves and their families that they will willingly and cheerfully, and faithfully perform any, & all labor required of them by the parties of the first part or their agents for the time aforesaid; the beginning and leaving off work, and the mode and manner of doing work to be entirely under the control of the parties of the first part or their agents. For all time lost, and for bad work assessments will be made against the laborers; however, it is agreed, that for full hands the assessments shall be at the rates of one dollar per day, and for hands less than full hands at the same rates per cent, one third of the assessments to go to the rest of the laborers, and two thirds to the employers. For all abuse and improper use of stock the laborers will be held responsible. No firearms or liquor will be

[[left margin note]]
approved Jany 26th 1866,
By order of
Captain S.D. Barnes
Chas. M.G. Leger.
Lieut. & Sub. Com
Freed. Bur
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