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The State of Mississippi,}
[[blank]] COUNTY.        }


This Writing Witnesseth, That H H Echols a citizen of said District, has this day hired and employed George Oliver and Charry Oliver his wife also Henry Johnson Freedman of color, to work and labor on the Farm of the said H. H. Echols as [[F--?]] upon the following Terms, Rules and Regulations, and for the time hereinafter specified, viz: 
1st. Said Term of Service begins on the [[twelfth?]] day of January, 1866, and terminating on the 31st day of December, 1866. 
2nd. Said employee shall receive for his labor and services George Oliver and Charry shall receive for these services during the year one hundred and fifty dollars per year Henry Johnson Shall receive one hundred and forty four dollars per year one half thereof, however, to be reserved by the employer until final settlement, as surety for the faithful performance of this contract. 
3rd. Said employer shall furnish house-rent and fuel free of charge, also good and sufficient rations—viz Rations furnished for George and Charry and there children For Henry Johnson shall have furnished three pounds of meat and one peck of meal per week per week, or its equivolent of other rations. 
4th Said employee obligates himself to do and perform all and every kind of work, labor and service necessary and useful on a Cotton, Grain or Stock Plantation, in preparing for a crop, and in cultivating and gathering the same; also such other work and labor, after the crop is gathered, on or about the premises as may be required by the employer.
5th [[blank]] hours labor will be required [[strikethrough]] during the months of [[/strikethrough]] in the farm from sun rise untill sun set and [[blank]] in the months of [[blank]] 
6th. Such work and services at night and on Sundays as may, in the opinion of the employer be absolutely necessary and proper, for the safety and welfare of the stock, crop or property on or about the farm. 
7th. All time lost during hours of work, whether from sickness or otherwise, shall be deducted and the employee charged therewith during winter months at 50 cts and summer months one dollar per day. In case of wilful neglect of duty, or loss of time, the employer may at any time [[strikethrough]] recind this contract or deduct from the employee's wages such an amount as he may be damaged thereby. [[/strikethrough]] have his Remedy at Law against the employees 
8th. No live-stock will be raised by the employee without special permission of the employer. 
9th. All abuse of stock or carless wearing of tools or gear, or other property, or injuring the same, will be charged to the employee. 
10th. Swearing, indecent, or improper language in the presence of the employer, his agent or family; quarreling or fighting among the employees, or otherwise disturbing the peace on the farm or premises is strictly prohibited; and industry, fidelity and cheerfulness enjoined upon all employees. 
11th. [[strikethrough]] For the violation of any of the foregoing articles or clauses of this contract, wherein no special penalty is awarded, the employer is hereby authorized to charge a reasonable fine and punishment, or dismiss from his service the employee; and in cases of an aggravated character, the employee shall forfeit his wages or such part thereof as the employer shall direct. [[/strikethrough]] And for neglect, on the part of the employer, to furnish rations fuel and quarters, or to pay the employee as herein agreed to, he shall be held liable and accountable to the employee in money for their value, or the employee may cancel this contract.

Signed and sealed in duplicate, this [[blank]] of

H. H Echols  (L.S.)
George His X Mark Oliver (L.S.)
Henry X Johnson

witnessed Jan 1st 1866
R A Minnis
R J Connor

[[vertical note]]
Approved Jan 6th/66
S D Barnes
Lt & Sub Com
[[/vertical note]]

Transcription Notes:
Name is H. H. Echols. Insertions after the 7th point need formatting.