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This agreement made and entered with on the [[blank]] day of January 1866 - between
Cornelia S. Ross of the County of Hinds and State of Mississippi of the first part and Albert Freedman acting for himself his wife his children and for any other freedmen or woman he may include at their desire in his family during the present year - as - Albert - Cary - Ben - Davy- Fiony - Minerva- Matilda - Lucy - Margaret Becky - Jessie -} Ned - Dick - John - Peter - Minerva - Martha - Maria - Tempy - Sam These last beginning at Ned have volunteered to place themselves under Alberts leadership and control - all of whom constitute one family - parties of the second part - Witnesseth - That the said party of the first part hereby hires and employe the parties of the second part to assist in cultivating the patch of land now owned and occupied by said party of the first part and for other services herein after specified - upon the following items and conditions to wit: The party of the first part covenants and promises to the said parties of the second part of first part abundantly during the succeeding week - said party of the first part to attend the sick and administer medicine in all ordinary cases but will not pay Doctor bills. If any of the neighbors trace any thefts to said family or any member of said family the party of the first part will pay the full value of the loss and have the parties of the second part responsible therefor and deduct the same from their wages - Said parties of the second part will also bind themselves to grind, gin - bale - and haul in regular turn with other families on the place they also promise to deliver to said parties of the first part at the end of the year 200 bushels of 

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January 23. 1866
Cornelia S. Ross
undersigned Freedmen & women.
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