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The undersigned A.G. Brown hereby contracts with the freedmen whose names are hereto signed, to furnish them the open and tillable land, on what is known as his "Chickama" plantation in the County of Hinds and State of Mississippi, in the proportion of fifteen acres to each able bodied hand, which lands they are to cultivate all together or in such lots or parcels as the freedmen hereto signing, and A.G. Brown may agree upon— and said Brown furthermore agrees and binds himself hereby, to furnish with said lands to said freedmen, good mules or horses, in the proportion of one mule or horse to each thirty acres of cultivated land, together with all needful gear, plows, and other farming implements necessary to the proper cultivation of the land, and to allow them the same use of his wagon and teams, and gin & mills in the gathering ginning and packing of their share of their crops hereafter, provided to be grown on said lands as the said Brown may require from them in gathering hauling [[houseing?]], ginning and packing of his share— All of which lands and property, as well as the cultivation and use thereof, shall be under the control and direction of said Brown, or such agent as he may appoint therefor, and he also binds himself to furnish them, said freedmen proper quarters, and the privilege of cutting and using such wood from his land as they may require for their use. The said freedmen