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land a suitable building for the same and if requested, advise such freedmen in the selection of teachers— He furthermore pledges himself to contribute in every reasonable manner to promote the happiness and well being of said freedmen. It is furthermore stipulated that this contract is for the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Six (1866) and for such time thereafter as may be necessary to fully gather and save and pack such crops as may be raised. This contract is signed in triplicate, one copy to be left with the Freedmans bureau at Jackson one copy with said freedmen or their appointed agent, and one copy with said Brown.

In testimony whereof the parties hereto sign their names and affix their seals this 2d day of Jany 1866

A G Brown

Note— Before signing the contract it is agreed that if horses mules or oxen employed in raising crops or in doing plantation work die from Natural causes the loss falls on A G Brown But if said horses mules or oxen die or are lost by the neglect of the freedmen [[?]] the same then the loss falls on them It is furthermore agreed that the freedmen pay over half the expense [[?]] procuring cotton and other necessary seed for planting the crops

Madison Stewart his X mark}

James Hamilton his X mark }

George Washington his X mark

Austin [[?]] his X mark