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[[image]] three U.S. INTER. REV. TWO CENTS (Geo. Washington) stamps [[/image]]

Contract for Hire.

This Agreement between Washington Haley, of Hinds County, and Freedwom Julia Ann & 6 children witnesseth: That said Haley hereby hires said Julia Ann & children as [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] field hands, from this date until 1st January 1867: and for faithful services to be rendered in his said employment, by said Julia Ann during all that time, the said Haley hereby agrees to allow and pay them as follows: one hundred and ninety two dollars ($192.00) payable at the end of there term of service. And the said Julia Ann, in consideration thereof, hereby agrees to render to said Haley, for and during all of said term, due obedience and faithful service, and to perform all such work and duty as said Haley may reasonably require of them, and to bestow due care and attention in all things, upon all property and interests committed to their charge and keeping, and will faithfully account, or pay for the same, to be deducted out of h_ wages, or share of the crop, so far as the same will pay; and will discharge, in all things, the duties of a faithful servant. And it is hereby understood, and mutually agreed, that for such time as said Julia Ann or family may be absent without leave, they shall forfeit this compensation at the rate of 30 cts. per day, each absence not to count less than one day; and the said Haley may at any time discharge h for such absence. Also, that for time lost by sickness, a deduction shall be made in the next succeeding settlement at the rate of 30 cts. per day, where they loses more than 3 days at any one time; and the said Haley shall also be charged with the actual cost of medical attendance, medicines, and other supplies furnished them during such period of sickness.

It is agreed, that this contract shall be complied with in accordance with the provisions of "An act to confer civil rights upon freedmen, and for other purposes," approved November 25th, 1865.

Given our hands, in duplicate, this 30th day of January, A.D. 1866

Washington his X mark Haley [[Seal.]]
Julia Ann her X mark for self and family [[Seal.]]

George Dobson, J.P. [[Seal]]

NOTE.—"All contracts for labor with freedmen, free negroes and mulattoes, for a longer period than one month, shall be in writing and in duplicate, attested and read to said freedman, free negro or mulatto, by a beat, city or county officer, or two disinterested white persons of the county in which the labor is to be performed, of which party shall have one; and said contracts shall be taken and held as entire contracts; and if the laborer shall quit the service of the employer before the expiration of his term of service, without good cause, he shall forfeit his wages for that year, up to the time of quitting."

Printed and for sale at The Mississippi Standard office. Jackson—$2.50 per quire.