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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the 1 day of January A.D., 186 by and between W.M. Hendrex Emly his wife of the first part, and Samuel a free man of color, of the second part, all of the county of Noxubee in the State of Mississippi, 

WITNESSETH That the party of the first part has this day hired the said party of the second part as a farm hand for the year 1866 and agrees to pay Samuel fourteen dollars per month for said year's services due and payable the first day of January 1867 subject to a deduction of fourtee dollars per month for all time lost by him to furnish him with quarters and bread and meat rations of wholesome quality, and a sufficiency in quantity. The payment herein provided for is to be raised out of the crop to be raised in the year 1866, for which purpose a first mortgage lien upon the same is hereby created and acknowledged.
And the said party of the second part, for and in consideration of the premises as above stated, hereby agrees to and with the said party of the first part, that he will do good, faithful and full work for him in said County and State, under his directions and orders: That he will be faithful, respectful, and obedient: Will be satisfied with rations usually allowed laborers: That he will make deductions for all lost time at the rate of fourteen dollars per month; pay his own doctor's bills, furnish his own clothes, shoes and hat, and in all respects make a good farm hand in making and gathering a crop, and in any and all other work required of him. And in the event he should leave the employment and services of him the said party of the first part, without sufficient cause, before the end of the year 1866, that he thereby forfeits all that he had previously earned. In testimony of all which we do both sign in duplicate, this the day and year first above written.

Signed in my presence and approved by me
this the 25th day of Jan A.D. 1865

W.M. Hendrex
Samuel his X mark Grey

G.S. Dupree
G.S Foster

Williams H Smith [L.S.]
Justice of the Peace.