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This agreement made this 14th day of January A.D. 1866 by and between W.V. Rany of Lauderdale County State of Mississippi, of the first part, and the undersigned freedman of the County and State aforesaid, of the second part, Witnesseth:

That for the purpose of doing house or other kinds of work, during the year ending on the thirty first day of December A.D. 1866. The said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the promises and conditions hereinafter mentioned on the part of the party of the second part, agrees to take and keep Susan Delk the daughter of the said party of the second part, during the year 1866. and the said W.V. Rany agrees to furnish the said Susan Delk with clothing and food of good quality and sufficient quantity, good and sufficient quarters, and kind and human treatment. and medical attendance when necessary. And it is further agreed that if the said W.V. Rany shall fail neglect or refuse to perform any of the obligations assumed by him, or shall be guilty of cruelty to the said Susan Delk he shall beside the legal recourse left to the party aggrieved render this contract liable to annulment by the proper offices. And it is further on the part of the party of the second part, that the said Susan Delk shall well and faithfully perform such labor as the said W.V. Rany may require of her for the time aforesaid, and in case the said Susan Delk shall voluntarily absent herself from, or shall refuse to perform any the labor herein promised, she shall be punished in the maner [[manner]] provided by law and order.

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P A Simmons Capt
and Sub Commissioner F.B.
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