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Letters of agreement between Henry W. Wornell of the County of Marshall and State of Mississippi and the undersigned freedmen

1st We the undersigned have this day entered into the following contract with the above mentioned Henry W. Wornell for this year one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, to labor for said Wornell on his farm in the County of Marshall and State of Mississippi and we do by these letters agree to perform the said labor cheerfully and faithfully as may be required of us either as house servants or field hands as in the judgment of the said Wornell we may be best adapted to,

2nd We do further agree to work as is usual in all such cases namely: from sun to sun and to take good care of everything known as stock on said Wornells farm as well as all tools and farming implements belonging to said Wornell or belonging to the said plantation

3 And we do further agree to treat the said Wornell and all other white persons with proper and becoming respect and obedience, —and should any of us leave the employ of the aforesaid Wornell or absent themselves from the said labor without the consent of the aforesaid Wornell [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] he or she shall by such set forfeit all claims upon the said Wornell whether it may be money for services rendered or aught else,

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