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Daniel Ellis
Jan 1" '66

in the presance of the party of the first part, nor his family, The labourers will not be required to work out dores, when it rains harde enof to wet them. Quarerling and fussing among the labourers on the farm, must be avoided if posable Should any dificulty arise the party of the first part will use every exertion to have Justice dun to both parties, Los of time will be charged at fifty cents per day when Sick, and Seventy five cents per day if from other case, The labourers are required to take care of all the tools, gire and other things commitid to ther care, and will be charged with Such as may be lost by cariliness on there part Cirtin work will be assigned to Each one in the way of making fires feading and all outcide work which must be attended to at all times Sundays and hollydays not exceptiad  N.B The Party of the first part will govern and controle all the business dun on the farm are Else where, by the parties of the Sickend part, The Said parties of the Sickend part is to pay there own medical bill and pay for those others  The labourers will be held Responsible for any damag to Stock that may happn by there negleck, In testamony of our agramint we hearunto Set our hands, This January 1st A D 1866

[[5 column table]]
| Names | age | Dependants | age | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Henry his x mark Mudy | 36 |   |   |   |
| Tracy his x mark Mudy | 38 |   |   |  |

Danl. Ellis 

H. G. Brady
Thos. J. Ellis

Approved this 21st Jan A D 1866
J H Cox
J. P.

Transcription Notes:
N B = P S