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An agreement made and entered into this the 1st Day of Jany 1866 between Jesse D Partee of the 1st part and the following named Freedmen of 2nd part all of the County of Panola and State of Miss Mack Dickens wife & three children Adline and one chile the partes of the 1st part agrees to give Mack Dickens  wife and Children fifty dollars in united states currency fuel the same. They are to Cloth them selves with the exception of two of therefore said Mark Dickens Children (Viz) Eliza and Acey The party of the 1st part agrees to furnish the fore said Eliza and Acey good and sufficient Cloths.
The party of the 1st part agrees to give the fore said Adline and one chile one hundred dollars in united states currency and feed them the fore said Adline, is to furnish her Cloths and the party of the 1st part is to Cloth the fore said Adline Chile. 
The partys of the 2nd part agrees to allow the party of 1st part to correct there Children when he may think it necessary The partys of the 2nd part agrees to do all labor necessary on [[strikethrough/]] be required [[/strikethrough]] the farm that may be required of them the partys of 2nd part is to pay their medical Bill & make up all lost time. The partys of 2nd part agrees to live with the party of 1st part from the 1st Jany 1866 to the 1st Jany 1867 given under our hands and seal this the day and date above written.
J.D. Partee [Seal]
Mack his x mark Dickens [Seal]
Adline hir x mark Dickens [Seal]

Wm Dugger
W. L. Partee