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This Agreement MADE and entered into this 1st day of January 1866, By and between Evans & Bull of the County of Tallahatchie, State of MISSISSIPPI. Parties of the first part; and the persons herein after named and undersigned, Freedmen & freedwomen of the same County and State, Parties hereto of the second part

WITNESSETH; THAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF Securing the labor of Delphi & Parallee & Betsey & Adam Allen to be  performed by them upon this plantation of Evans & Bull owned by A B Betts now occupied by them in the county and state aforesaid, during the year ending December 31 of 1866, the said Evans & Bull parties of the first part, for the considerations, conditions and stipulations herein after named and mentioned, AGREE to PAY to the undersigned laborers [[strikethrough]] the rate of Monthly wages or the amount of Yearly wages or [[/strikethrough]] such portion of the Crop, [[strikethrough]] or not proceed thereof [[/strikethrough]] as herein after stated, as follows, to WIT:, one third of the Crop of Corn & Cotton & Potatoes raised upon the plantation the old woman mother of Delphi to be supported by them out of the proceeds of the Crop due to them.
The said Evans & Bull further agrees to furnish the said Laborers with good & sufficient & wholesome food and in sufficient quantity and with fuel & houses necessary for their comfort  
And in consideration of the faithful performance by the said Evans & Bull of all the obligations assumed by them and the punctual payment by them of the [[strikethrough]] wages or [[/strikethrough]] portions of crop agreed upon, the said LABORERS to hereby, severally, and Each for Himself or Herself, AGREE with the said Evans & Bull to faithfully perform the Labor herein stated, and for the term aforesaid.
And the said LABORERS parties of the second part, do further AGREE to use all diligence to perform well and in good time the said Labor, and to take good care of all Animals and Tools necessary to the performance of the said Labor and further to behave themselves in an orderly & respectful manner to all members of the family & the or Laborers also agree to be subject to the orders of Evans & Bull in the cultivation & making said Crop. 
Evans & Bull 
In TESTIMONY whereof the said Parties have hereunto affixed their names this 1st day of Jany 1866